Hope. It's something we all have or are searching for. Hope for our own life, hope for the lives of our families, our children. We all want it. We must have it to be healthy and successful. So where does our hope come from? Does it come from our circumstances? Our friends? Psalm 39:7 asks this question. "And so Lord, where do I put my hope?" The answer is "My only hope is in you". A little later in Psalms 71, we read "O Lord, you alone are my hope". So it seems easy to say our hope comes from God alone, but do you always FEEL hopeful? I know that I have not. Many times in our circumstances we find ourselves getting lost in the fog of all the chaos.
I am a "special needs mom". In addition to that, I am also a "medical mom". Either one of those titles can strike fear in the heart of a mom. I am both, so I have had plenty of opportunities to allow fear to interfere with my hope. I hope to express so of those times to you in the future. One thing I have found helpful in those times is finding comfort in the fact that I am not alone. Connecting with other families that are experiencing similar situations brings some comfort that someone understands the feelings of fear and chaos in your heart.
I have had to work hard to find ways to reach up out of the pit of exhaustion, despair, and burnout to find better ways to hold onto my hope. I hope to share some of the ways I am able to do this. My prayer is that I may not only spur hope on in myself, but in others as well.
Some ways I have found to do that have been to give myself back some time. Yes, I know. With those titles, time is not something one comes by easily. It starts in very small bits. In the tiny moments of solitude. Start with just time to breathe. For me, one of the things that has helped me most recently has been able to work on organization and creativity. I found that I love creating things. Much more than I had ever realized. I will be sharing more as I move forward. It started with one small canvas and some watercolors.